Holistic Beauty Innovations | Scottsdale, AZ



Having trouble losing stubborn fat? Kybella can help you lose fat in your double chin and other stubborn areas for good! It is the only non-surgical method FDA-approved for dissolving excess fat. The procedure only takes 15 minutes, with little to no downtime required.

Injections of Kybella help dissolve small areas of stubborn fat in areas such as the double-chin, underarm/bra-line fat, lower abdominal fat, and inner thigh fat. A series of injections are needed for successful results. Diet and exercise fail to rid the body of stubborn fat in certain areas, but Kybella injectables can erase years – and pounds – from your body forever! Kybella is often referred to as the “mini-liposuction in a syringe.”

Causes of stubborn fat include:

The Treatment



1 hour

2-3 sessions required. *Initial Consultation required.

If you have questions about what Kybella injections can do for you, we are happy to schedule a complimentary consultation with you before your appointment. Please make an appointment with Holistic Beauty Innovations today!


The results of Kybella will be noticeable, but they may not be immediate. This is because Kybella destroys fat cells gradually. The results can take approximately six to eight weeks to appear.
People who are unhappy with small areas of fat on their bodies, but do not want to undergo surgery, are perfect candidates for Kybella.
Kybella’s results are permanent, and fat will not return once dissolved if the patient maintains a stable weight. In FDA studies, patients who maintained a stable weight after treatment maintained their improvement at 5 years.
After a Kybella treatment, most patients can return to their regular routine the following day, although they may experience slight swelling and tenderness for several days afterward. 
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