Natural Guided Healing Musculoskeletal Injection Therapy 

Natural Guided Healing Musculoskeletal Injection Therapy 

At Holistic Beauty Innovations, we also focus on wellness services to help your body repair from physical injury, whether acute or chronic. Allow us to utilize several different methods to restore your body’s natural healing and repair damaged joints, ligaments, and nerves.
From utilizing something as simple as dextrose solution in prolotherapy modalities to utilizing your own growth factors, we can help you have a better quality of life.
A natural injection technique that uses sterile dextrose of different concentrations depending on the problem being treated (sugar-based solution) that is injected using several different modalities including a perineural superficial technique through subcutaneous injections following the track of nerve pathways. Such a solution can also be injected into or surrounding ligaments or tendons that are inflamed, weakened or injured.
This causes a localized inflammation or “prolo” liferation (proliferation) of your very own healing immune system cells in these weak areas, which then increases the blood supply and flow of nutrients and stimulates the tissue to repair itself, strengthening, tightening, and stabilizing the area of concern. It is common to feel a temporary increase in pain due to the increase in healing factors and blood supply we are creating.
The amount of sessions varies per patient, on average we typically recommend anywhere from once/week x 4-6 weeks or once/month x 3-6 months.
Natural growth factors utilizing your own blood product: A technique that utilizes the patient’s own blood sample, which is then spun down in a centrifuge in an intricate way and extracted to be injected into the injured area. We utilize ultrasound guidance to provide accurate placement of your product. It is common to feel a temporary increase in pain due to the increase in healing factors and blood supply we are creating.
The amount of sessions varies per patient, on average we typically recommend once/month x 3 to 6 months.
Use of live cell products: this technique contains hyaluronan, elastin, collagen fibers, growth factors, cytokines, and nanoparticles which stimulate the restoration of tissues.
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